To enrol your child/children you will need to:
Complete an enrolment form - download here
Complete a medical form - download here
Show your child's birth certificate.
Bring your child's passport/visa (if on student visa).
Provide a copy of your child's immunisation certificate (for New Entrants only)
Complete an Education Outside of the Classroom/Medication permission slip - download here
Complete a Digital Citizenship Agreement - download here
If you do not have access to a printer, you can request a paper copy of the above forms from the principal (principal@aoraki.school.nz).
Completed forms can be:
Posted to Aoraki Mount Cook School, PO Box 31, Aoraki Mount Cook Village 7946
Emailed to: principal@aoraki.school.nz
Dropped off at the school: 5 Sebastopol Drive, Aoraki Mount Cook Village.
Once we've received your enrolment form, the principal will be in touch to meet with you and your child.
If your child is a new entrant (starting for the first time at school), we will give you a call to explain school visit arrangements.
Uniform can be ordered through Uniform Hub HERE. The polo shirt is an essential item, but all other items are available too.

Can my child start school before they turn 5?
No. Children in Aotearoa New Zealand must be 5 years old to start school.
Is there a kindergarten or pre-school in Aoraki Mount Cook?
No. The closest early childhood educators
are in Twizel which is a 40min drive from the Aoraki Mount Cook Village.

Does my child require a student visa if we are not residents?
Yes. All students must have a student visa if they are not a resident or citizen of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Can we enrol our child as an International Student?
No. Aoraki Mount Cook School does not have the required authorisations to take international students.